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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Consulate General of Algeria in Istanbul


Consular registration is an administrative procedure that concerns Algerian citizens residing in the territory of the Republic of Turkey, with the exception of Ankara. This process allows them to benefit from consular protection and various administrative services provided by the consular representation in accordance with national laws and regulations in force applied in the country of residence.

  • The consular registration card is issued free of charge. It is valid for five (5) years; its renewal must be requested.

  • After registration, any change in situation (civil status, address, profession, etc.) must be reported to the consulate by providing the corresponding documents.

  • Minor children (under 19 years of age) are registered at the request of the person holding parental authority. In case of divorce or death, it is mandatory to present the divorce judgment or death certificate.

  • The consular file is originally composed of the parents and minor children (under 19 years of age), where the father is the main and primary registrant, while the wife and children are registered as subsidiary to his file. In the absence of the father, the wife is registered as the main registrant and the children as subsidiary.

  • Minor children do not have the consular registration card, but the consular registration certificate can be issued at the request of the primary civil registration officer to comply with the requirements of applicable laws.

  • In case of consular registration of a minor as the primary registrant of his/her residence in the Republic of Turkey (due to studies, treatment, etc.), a declaration from the legal guardian must be presented for this purpose. This is done through an affidavit certified by the municipality or the authority authorized for this purpose in the legal guardian's place of residence.

  • For citizens residing outside the city of Istanbul, the registration or transfer file can be sent by mail.



Algerian citizens residing in the entire Turkish territory, except for Ankara and who wish to register for the first time must apply to the headquarters of the Consulate General, accompanied by the following documents:

  • The consular registration form dully filled;

  • A copy of identity document: passport;

  • Copy of the Algerian nationality document: S12 extract or national identity card;

  • A copy of lineage: an extract of the birth certificate of the father and the mother;

  • A copy of the civil status: a marriage certificate or a copy of the family book (if the concerned person is married) in the case of being single, this document is not required;

  • A copy of employment/studies: work certificate or school certificate;

  • A copy of residency:  a valid residency card that has a validity period of at least nine 09 months;

  • A copy of residence address: such as the rental contract, property contract, electricity or internet bill, where the applicant and his/her full residence address appears;

  • Five 05 photographs. 

  • Important note: The above mentioned files consists of copies only, however, during the submission of the files, a verification of identity of the person will be performed by submitting the passport and residence card in order to match with the submitted file.

Application for First Consular Registration Form

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