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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Consulate General of Algeria in Istanbul


Registration on the electoral list of the consular district in Istanbul

All Algerian men and women residing in the Republic of Turkey, who are registered with the services of the Consulate General of Algeria in Istanbul, can request to be registered on the electoral list if they have not previously registered, taking into account that it is not possible to register on more than one electoral list.
download Request to register on the electoral list

election requirements

Every Algerian male and female who has reached eighteen (18) years of age on the day of voting and who has enjoyed all his civil and political rights and who has not been in any of the cases of loss of capacity specified in the applicable legislation is considered a voter.

Removal from electoral lists

The name of each voter remains on the electoral list of the Istanbul Center unless he submits a request to be removed from it. Therefore, it is necessary, in the event of a final return to the homeland or change of place of residence, to inform the consular services and submit a request to be removed from the electoral list.
Note: Every citizen who has previously applied for a certificate of cancellation, transfer of a consular file or a certificate of change of residence will be automatically removed from the lists.
Download the request for removal from the electoral list

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