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People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
Consulate General of Algeria in Istanbul


It is considered as an official and original document containing the complete information of the civil status of the Algerian citizen, which allows the creation of a national identification number for each Algerian. It is issued by the municipality, or the diplomatic or consular center of the place of birth of the person concerned, on the basis of the civil status certificate. This document is requested as follows:

  • For citizens born abroad and registered at the Consulate General in Istanbul:

The interests of the Consulate General receive requests for the issuance of special birth certificates (S12) for citizens registered with its interests and those born outside the national territory and Turkish soil, where they are sent to diplomatic and consular missions, the place of birth of the citizen and the place of registration of the birth contract, as soon as possible.

  • For citizens born in Algeria, residing abroad and registered at the consulate:

The special civil status document (S12) intended for the issue of the biometric passport and the national identity card is issued by one of the following options:

- Make a request via this site http://demande12s.interieur.gov.dz/Ar/WFInscription.aspx

- Appointed for this purpose, after which he is received by the Consular Center in Istanbul after being stamped there;

- Power of attorney to any person of the citizen's choice to extract him from Algeria at the level of the commune of birth This power of attorney is stamped by our consular services.

- In the case where the citizen is present on the national territory, he can personally request to receive it.

  • For citizens born in the Republic of Turkey (except Ankara):

The Consulate General in Istanbul accepts requests for the issuance of special birth certificates (S12) for citizens born on Turkish soil, provided that the required birth certificate is previously registered in the civil registers of the Consulate General.

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